If somebody is selling you a unit linked insurance policy....saying it is the same as a mutual fund, dont believe them!! It is like a mutual fund all right but the service standards are POOR.
I have a long relationship with HDFC mutual fund and Templeton mutual fund. Hence I invested in a ulip plan of HDFC. I do not know how many units I have, I do not know what is the nav (unlike in mfs here the no. of units also keep fluctuating on a monthly basis)...these guys need to improve.
What can I do? just cry! why bcoz the entry load is soooooooo high that I will recover my charges only in the 8th yr...!!! And to think I did a proper study AND FOUND THIS TO BE THE BEST SCHEME ON OFFER!
Surely the others like Birla, ICICI...etc. stink. Kotak is just a broker, AIG (Tatas do not matter, AIG does not pay)......I think we should wait for the market to evolve.