NEVER GO for HDFC click 2 protect plan. I am having the worst experience dealing with HDFC life insurance co. Firstly, after applying for click 2 protect plan and making the payments, I did not got any verification call for 15 days, till I awaked them that I have applied for the policy and what the HELL they are doing for the issuance of the same. Customer care was quite f**king and responded with the typical reply “Policy is in final stage of issuance”. Surprised, no verification call, no medical tests and policy would be issued. Isn’t the disappointing reply. Anyhow, put a “dirty”mail to them and got the response with in 2 hours for medical appointments and all that. But now after 15 days after medical has been done, no response from their side. Neither policy has been issued nor refund or money and no one is responding to regular mails send in this regard.
I am still waiting to get my money back since application on 27, feb 2012 (isn’t a long period where either policy should be issued or money should be refunded. A normal insurance company takes 15-20 days max to mature the transaction. Refer to IRDA Prescribed Policy Holder Servicing Turnaround Time PDF uploaded on HDFC life website also speaks so, but what actually is happening).
Also, kindly refer to GRIEVANCE REDRESSAL GUIDELINES PDF uploaded on the website. It is more of a mockery of thousands of consumers who trust them. How and where to file your complaints (No mail_IDs, no phone numbers and they speaks of 3-tier escalation matrix). Try to file a complaint (complaints section) on their website with the proposal number, it would not accept. It accepts only policy number which is issued after you have been issued the policy so you are not even entitled to raise your complaints in spite of paying premium.
HDFC officials not even bother to revert on the mails, the status of your long delayed policy, until you write harsh words and threatens them to drag in the tribunal.
Hats off to the imperfect consumer rights (our reluctancy, lack of proper information & casual attitude is also responsible and promotes these mal-practices) that companies are able to fool with the consumers rights easily.
My proposal number is S000000514063
Personally, I would not recommend this to any one.