Please avoid buy any insurance policy from HDFCLIFE.Application no S100000231595.
Proposal no:17768228
They debited amount from my account on 25th July, 2015 for term policy worth 1 crore.They did my medical on 11th Aug.I have no health problem.
They rate up my policy to 50 lakhs on basic of financial ground.I am well paid customer on basic of salary slip and bankstatement..
Then they change it to residential ground.I told them that I want proper clarification for changing policy rate from financial to residential but HDFC expert team is reluctant to give any clarification.Now I am fed up with HDFC and chasing for clarification for last 3 weeks.
They dont care about customers.I send them 7 times reminder mail.I am not getting any call from HDFC life to resolve my issue.If they dontwant to issue me policy they should be clear.Policy rate up canthave 2 reasons initially financial and later residential.
That means HDFC dont want policy for genuine customers and this is questionable.I just want explanation as per IRDEA norms but they dont want to give clarification.