I urge anyone considering a life insurance policy to avoid HDFC Standard Life like the plague. They are the worst in customer service. And dont even bother registering online, if by any chance all their systems are working and u do manage to register, rest assured you account will be blocked for some vague reason...
This vague reason will be given to you by the customer service too Try your luck first in making the renewal payment.. then try your luck getting the renewal reciept. I can assure you, you will be given the most atrocious answers ever. Whoever is heading the customer service dept is a nincompoop and should be sacked. I urge you, just bcoz you wud have had great experience with other products like banking, loans etc... DOES NOT MEAN THEY ARE GOOD IN EVERY PRODUCT.
THE STANDARD LIFE IS AS SUCKY AS THEIR ADS. They are only concerned with taking the money from you, they are prompt bordering on bugging on collections. And let me not start on their email and sms aleart facility. DONT GET CONNED INTO GETTING A HDFC STANDARD LIFE POLICY