I opened an HDFC Trading account in March 2011. The process of account opening was pretty fast. Coming into the trading part, I am very disappointed with the HDFC Trading Terminal. It is a very old and an outdated one.
They do not have a Desktop based terminal which almost every other Securities has. And also the web based interface does not have streamed quotes. You can not keep on clicking the buttons to know the rates. In that case India Bulls has a better trading interface.
And also more importantly the charges are too heavy. Net charges on delivery from one side comes to 0.7%. So effectively 1.4% per trade. This is too high. if you get 2% returns, the broker is making more money than you. Certainly not a good choice. And they have recently released one trading Terminal called BLINK for which they are charging around 3000 per year.
It is something that they have to provide for free. Very funny! Looks like Share Khan, Ventura provide better brokerages and also better terminals. I am going to get one ventura account soon and needless to say that I am closing this account with HDFC