I should not have mentioned Mumbai with HDFC sec as in this internet era there is no place for places, there is only one place internet.
I have a s/b a/c with HDFC nariman point branch and I m greatly satisfied with that. I opened in the year 1999. I never had any problem with them in this regard.
Later I opened my HDFCsecurities trading account and demat account on same day with Thane branch. It all went through in few hours. I submitted form at 10am, agent visited for address verification at 1pm and it was all done. In less than 10 dyas I had my username and password. No problem at all.
After reading many reviews on HDFCsec by the user I realized that people who had problem mostly belong to Bangalore. I feel that there is some problem with this city only.
I get very good service when I m in Mumbai. and I see people yelling at laughing and ignorant customer service executives here in Bangalore.
I had similar experience with Karvy. Karvy has very good reputation with customers in Mumbai and people happily recommend Karvy to others. Just give a visit to Karvy office in Indiaranagar and you can hear people shouting and yelling at Karvy staff and staff laughing or ignorant.
Well forget about karvy, concentrate on HDFCsec.
If you have opened account in Mumbai your life is cool. Planning to open in Bangalore think twice.
For day trading they have set of scrips, I guess no more than 40.
REcently they launched IPO facility too and its cool.
If your broadband is good then site responds fast no matter time of day.
Your funds hold and release is immediate.
interface simple and fast.
day trading scrips very less.
You get market analysis after 24 hours, it means at the end of 8th feb you get analysis for 7th feb. its rediculous and useless