Site name:
I have my
Trading account
Savings account
Demat account
all with HDFC.
All are linked well when I trade with HDFC securities.
My biggest complaint is their trading site software.
It looks like a 30 year old technology.
This site is clearly programmed by some bad programmers.
I havent used any other Indian trading sites. So I wont know anything
to compare against.
HDFC should take a look at foreign sites like Charles Schwab or
TDAmeritrade and try to imitate the features and look and feel.
I have executed about 40 trades so far with this site. All went well.
Commision works out to be 0.7%(Brokerage+ Service Tax+ Securities Transaction Tax)
When you sell there is an additional 0.04% as debit charges in demat account.
As I said I dont know any other broker to comapre to.
But 0.7% commision is outrageous.
I am looking for another broker.
Suggest me a reliable/honest cheap broker.