Hello Soon after the exchanging hours begins, the poor site will go down and wont be up for some hours.Also while setting orders it tosses part of mistakes and we cant submit the offer requests. All the time it appears "request couldnt be processed.Please attempt again later". The site never performed great or atleast in a sensible way. Just in the previous one month I lost lakhs of rupees. The client administration folks are waste and they cant resolve the issue and demand us to call to numerous other distinctive telephone numbers. Presently I totally quit doing exchanging this site. Why dont we join together and lodge a protestation with SEBI together and record lawful claims. Presently I am in the preparing of enquiring the system for legitimate procedures. With in a day or two I will advise the media i.e every day news papers and TV channels about this site and the way they are treating clients and pressing cash for their poor support of site.