I originally bought this shampoo, not because of dandruff, but because of an itchy scalp. My husband however does have dandruff.
I have had great results with this shampoo. It lathers up really easily and feels great on my head as I wash my hair. I absolutely love the fragrance and often get complemented on how good my hair smells. The fragrance is very pleasant and really lingers in your hair.
I especially like to use this shampoo if I did not wash my hair the previous day. I usually dont wash it every day because it simply doesnt need to be washed every single day and plus I hate to! I have a lot of hair! Anyway, this shampoo always gets my hair really clean. Its great at removing oil and grime, without drying it out. Head and Shoulders is harsher than some shampoos I own, so I dont use it everyday because my hair isnt very oily. My husband however uses it daily and his hair always smells and feels great.
I havent noticed any difference in the texture of my hair since using this product. I really rely more on conditioners for that. I like my shampoo to smell great, get my hair really clean and if needed, either stop dandruff or my itchy scalp.