This product may cure your dandruff problem but not always in an acceptable manner. Having suffered a bout of dandruff a few years ago I had a few chats with friends and they recommended Head and Shoulders. Seeing that it was such a uniform recommendation I wandered down to the local Boots and picked up a bottle.
Pursuing my normal regime I used the product every other day in an attempt to clear up the dandruff problem that I was suffering at the time and to be fair it did have a great impact and eventually cleared up the problem. However as a result of using the product my hair suffered severe dryness. I say that it was a result of using the product as it was something I had never suffered to any great degree before. This was rather frustrating as it meant that I had swapped one problem for another.
Because of this I then had to buy yet another product to ensure my hair kept its condition whilst using Head and Shoulders so at the time I was not particularly impressed (At the time there was not a variant for dry or damaged hair that I could switch to).
The product itself is good at what it does but I think that people should be aware that because of the strength of the shampoo there are potential problems to be associated with Head and Shoulders for the individual.