Apart from their so-called association with ABC Consultants (arguably Indias No.1 placement agency), there is nothing credible here!
I have been duped (yes, duped and fooled) by their marketing team (pl note sales is outsourced to some 3rd party, who vanish as soon as they get the money) into going in for a Platinum membership. I was looking for a Career transition (i.e. a shift from my current role n industry into some other field of work) and I was convincingly persuaded by this Sales team that Headhonchos would be the right people to help me out in my trysts. The brand name of ABC Consultants and the indications that they only work with Sr. positions, made their promise appear quite realistic.
However, all their promises proved null n void, a few months into the membership. Its been over 6 months now, but I have not received even a single communication from any recruiter whatsoever ! I have aptly made it clear that I am being open to multiple opportunities from various industries/sectors and also willing to relocate. And all this backed by a 10 years of solid experience as a zonal head with a publicly-listed company and a post-graduate degree in Management. Conditions which I believe, even in such so-called troubled times, are good enough to earn me a few job opportunities.
I tried raising my concerns with the Headhonchos team and still not finding a suitable revert, wrote to their CEO, Mr.Uday Sodhi about my plight. Soon after, a Sr member of the team called up and I vented out my anguish and reasons for exasperation to her.
As is expected from such a fraudulent organization, she tried her level best to absolve her company from all deliverables, mentioning that they are just a facilitator and cannot promise anything. Further, she dubbed my profile as a niche case, wherein (laughably) 6 months is too short to expect any results, or anything like even a follow-up call, for that matter!
Upon my fervent protests, she however condescended to extend my term for another 2 months. But very unfortunately, now that we are quite into those extended 2 months, still nothing has moved. Absolutely nothing!
All that they are doing is throwing up a bunch of job positions (given my experience, I am tempted to believe that may be half of them are fictitious) every few days and I have been doggedly applying against them, but to no avail!
As we are all aware, there are hundreds of other job sites - and a few quite credible ones - which offer the same service without charging anything. If Headhonchos is unable to do anything special for a candidate, there is absolutely no point in becoming a paid member with them, hope all my readers will agree.
I sincerely appeal to all readers of this post to kindly refrain from becoming a paid member with such an incapable organization and pl pass this on to as many people around so that these fraudsters do not get any further opportunity to rob unassuming job aspirants of their hard earned money.