Nobody like falling ill.right.and if you are an asthma patient like may become hell during attacks.Lucky those who do not have this disease for they may not know how does it feel like when you open your mouth as big as you can and still find there is not enough air to breathe.The face becomes cherry red and eyes get filled with tears.Only quick solution is .inhaler.that too as fast it can be inhaled.Otherwise casualities like my mother.
But with increasing industrialisation and modernisation, the human behavior has changed in such a manner that it has increased the pollution enormously.Hence, more and more bronchitis patients which within years ultimately becomes asthma.Once you are infected its a pain for a lifetime.I am not a doctor by profession so I do not have any idea regarding the drug.Here are a few suggestions that might be useful in case of a asthma attack.
Do not go self medication.what I mean is if you have found that some medicine give you relief do not persist without consulting your doctor.
Try to identify and control your asthma attack triggers. Many people with asthma experience labored breathing after exposure to tobacco smoke, pollen, mold, animal dander or dust. Some sufferers also are sensitive to exercise, cold air and stress.Avoid them correspondingly.
Learn to recognize the early signs of an attack.I do not believe that you will never come to know that you will be having an attack shortly.
Despite these efforts, once in a while you still may have trouble controlling your asthma. If this happens, please do not hesitate to call your doctor.
Hope all of you.find this review helpful
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Stay Healthy