Fit Body, Fit Mind
Useful tips for everyone…
minimum duration for benefit 20 minutes per session; best for longevity is walking about three miles per day; best for vitality is about sixty minutes per day.
Four ways I can remove stress in my life:
Less internet; Less travel; Eliminate alcohol; Improve nutrition.
Talked a lot about insulin response. Key Reminders:
Consider what you are doing that results in not burning fat; Big meals & binging trigger insulin (Too often I use a food coma for relaxation!); Fasting and erratic intake triggers insulin; Excessive CHO triggers insulin; Small, frequent meals
Insulin management is a key part of long term health – insulin is slightly toxic. Always avoid Trans and Hydrogenated Fats
Stress linked to sleep – if a person can’t sleep then “why”. Don’t just sit around wishing you could sleep. Change the cause of poor sleep.
Five things that I want to receive – physical power, peace, love, tranquility, humility. We learned an exercise to attract.
Consider Natural Times & Places of Power – equinox; sun rise, sun set, places of natural beauty.
Happy reading..........................