Healthcare global and better known as wealth care global. Entering this hospital is as good as entering the mortuary. It has a very good death rate n very poor survival rate. Few in hundred survive coz they r smart enough n have good will power in shifting themselves out to different hospitals. I ve a good long time experience with this hospital as I lost my father to this deadly hospital rather not say this this deadly disease. There r a few good people like dr radheshyam here, but the others r as good as undertakers . Dr ajith kumar a k 47, we rather call him a butcher than a doctor, he is a bloody disgrace to mankind and to genuine doctors who really care. He s supposedly a specialist in intervention pulmonary where as couldnt even detect pneumonia on time. He just does nt care about the patient n doesnt know a damn thing about what is going on n is very very rude to the patients attendars.
U cannot ask him about the treatment that is going on n about the health of the patient coz he does nt know anything .he only says in the coconut language. I dont know anything I only know that the pyesheynt s hyealth is byad n crytycule. He s called the grim reaper of the hospital, . Wait wait wait. There is another clown in the hospital? Who is it? Yes yes I know who it is. It is dr. Madhava. Uk return I belive I don t know if he meant united kingdom or uttar karnataka u can see this little clown who has no knowledge about any medical terms or medicine has to search the web for medicines on telling him the symptoms, I request u my friends pls pls pls if u want to see ur near or dear ones alive avoid these two butchers dr ajith kumar n dr mad, hava, yes dr radhesyam is good and caring . But in his absence the hospital turns into a open mortuary .