I am a regular online purchaser from healthgenie site. I have ordered and find many health and beauty products with best quality at Healthgenie, but till now I am not finding any problem either from the products quality or from the delivery services. I had some confusion regarding the negative feedback of healthgenie and as a well wisher I asked healthgenie representative regarding this matter. Then I got to know that it may be a punching effort by healthgenies competitor, because mostly you can see the competitors name listed or highlighted in the reviews by the strangers.
If there is any issues raised from the customers, Healthgenie makes their best efforts to solve these matters as soon as possible to convert the customer in their long term relationship pocket, and to build the repo of the organisation. Mostly the customers queries were solved, but the problem is that after solving their issues they are not visiting again to this review site to alter it positive. And after consulting the customers, got to know that there is a problem in mouthshut review that the post cant be deleted.