I have no words to express my positive feelings for Healthgenie. This is my first experience with Healthgenie and it didnt loose their chance to click my heart. My pleasure tides to share with you. Before a weak ago, I had ordered a massage chair for my mom as a gift on her birthday from a well-known online shop.
But before one day I enquired for that products, whether it will reached on time or not. But the worst part for me was that the product was not dispatched from their site and they told me to wait for some more days. Immediately I canceled that order and try with a different one.
And I dont know, whether its my good luck or the best services of Healthgenie, I got the product on the early morning of my moms birthday. And it gives a wide smile on my face and brings a cheerful moments in my family to celebrate my moms birthday.
Thanks to Healthgenie for the incredible services and best wishes for their online business.