The society we are living in esteems thinness as perfect beauty (particularly for girls) .So in such a culture fat is the ugly disease that needs immediate attention and cure . Heavy work outs are very helpful in burning your carbs and is the healthiest way .But not everyone ican be consistent in their workouts as they might be busy with their work or studies So is there any other healthy way to remove unwanted weight ? The answer is Yes .
Atleast some of you might have heard about Juice Fasting and its wonders . Its not just weight loss , its much more . Juice fasting is the fastest , safest and healthiest way to loose your weight and unwanted toxins . It helps you stay slim , vital and healthy while breaking addictions .However, its greatest benefit comes from its capacity to detoxify , rejuvenate and regenerate the physical body, thus allowing the mind to function more efficiently.
Juice Fasting is a type of detox method . It is the intake of only juices of vegetables and fruits for a short period of time . It is considered to be an extreme form of detoxification .
So what are the benefits of Juice Fasting ?
Eliminates most food allergies and sensitivities. Reduces the burden on the digestive system allowing it to heal. Releases pesticides, drugs, and other chemicals from stored fat which can then be eliminated . Enhances mental, physical and spiritual well-being . Increased energy , Mental clarity . Glowing skin . Prevents chronic diseases caused by poor diet and lifestyle . Works wonders on your skin . Dramatic weight loss
Thats more than you expected right ? Seriously it is something that you should give a try for your physical wellbeing and mental health .Fresh Juices will supply you all the vitamins and minerals .
So how is a Juice Fating diet like ?
Drink plenty of water as it will keep ur skin hydrated . Fresh juice of fruits and vegetables are recommended . Green vegetables are higly beneficial for a Juice fast as it contains chlorophyll . Juice fast should include a combination of fruits and vegetables
But before you start Juice Fasting you should consult a doctor .
Pregnant women and children should not try Juice Fast .People should not try Juice Fast before or after surgical procedures . People with diabetes, low blood sugar, eating disorders, kidney disease, liver disease, malnutrition, addictions, underweight, anemia, impaired immune function, gout, asthma, infection, nutritional deficiency, low blood pressure, ulcerative colitis, cancer, terminal illness, epilepsy, or other chronic conditions should only fast under strict medical supervision.
There will be common temporary side effects in the begining stage like tiredness , dizziness , head aches etc . But if any side effects last for a longer period you should consult a doctor .
After a 30 day Juice Fast you will feel the difference . You wnt be the same person . Self esteem and confidence is given a boost . You will look much better and Juice Fasting does wonders on ur skin too .
So all you guys who wanna try this out , Go ahead and feel the difference in just a few days . You can contact me if u need futher info about Juice Fasting or you can simply use any of your favourite search engines to collect more details .
Disclaimer : The information in this review is taken from the internet .(as I am not a dietician)
i found this interesting so I posted it in MS .