This company and its "owner" Richard Levi Morgan, from Tampa, Florida ripped me off for$2, 500!
He contacted me via and bid$2, 500 to create a website for my online company.
It was supposed to be EXACTLY like a dating service site with all standard functions, like photos, profiles, browsable database, spanish translation, etc.
After he convinced me to pay-in-full AND got me to write up BRILLIANT(but false) review he QUIT working on my site and
I finally got my money back from my credit card company-8 months later-but he still protests that I am lying about the whole thing! HE wasnt "charged back" the money.because he used as a "front"(which took 8-10% commission and then forwarded him the remainder) as a "means to get paid" from a foolish "buyer" of services.
Elance was charged back$2, 500. BUT.RICH MORGAN INSISTS THAT I PAY HIM AGAIN(because hes mad that I got my money back even though the refund WASNT from his pre-paid pockets) He still has the money! Its Elance that lost$2.500!
I was stupid for paying him in full before I received what I contracted for. I admit it.
But he convinced me that he was "almost finished" and that I was being "paranoid" for questioning his demands for more money
For the whole story see my review of on this site,
All you have to do is put in the words: in the SEARCH area above. Itll take you to two reviews. Youll be able to tell which one is mine because is has pages and pages of others comments including Rich Morgans
All I ask is that you READ THE ENTIRE REVIEW including All COMMENTS and then decide for yourself if youd feel comfortable using OR OR Richard Levi Morgan in the future for you website programming needs.
He claims that Im lying and that I made the whole thing up.
Why would I do that?
He DEMANDS that I take down the website that he created.
Why would HE do that?
Because, if I take down the website then nobody will be able to go see what he charged me$2, 500 for and cant compare our CONTRACT with what was delivered.
He claims that "its obvious" that Im the one who is lying.yet hes willing to "forget the whole matter if I "take down the site" he created.
So no one can see for themselves
who speaks eloquently, but cant deliver.
If youre thinking about hiring Rich Morgan of Tampa, Florida(AKA Richard Levi Morgan or Rich L. Morgan) or his company .
He talks very professionally and is very convincing.
BUT hes a RAT. If youre still not convinced.then by all means, DONT PAY HIM A DIME UNTIL HE FINISHES THE WEBSITE AND UPLOADS IT TO "YOUR" SERVER.
Otherwise, all he creates is a "shell" of a website and theres no way to know if it works until he loads it on YOUR web host companys server. But, of course hell refuse to do that.hell want to be paid first.
Dont be a fool, like me. Find yourself a REAL website programmer who is professional enough to create the entire website and somehow PROVE to you that it functions properly. If the programmer creates their own username/password ON YOUR host companys servers WITH YOUR PERMISSION-then they wont have anything to lose but their time, if youre unhappy. If you dont like what theyve created, then dont pay them UNTIL AFTER the contract is completed.
By all means, if they ask for a "deposit" of 25% up front as "a good faith payment" then pay it. But ONLY after youre convinced-through research-that they are reputable. Then ONLY pay the balance AFTER the site is up and running on your own host company.
Im the fool here to have not done a background check on Rich Morgan and I paid him in full and wrote up a great review for him ONLY because he convinced me that my site would be up "any day now" and he had previously showed me a professional "face". But once he was paid in full, he quit working on my site and made tons of excuses as to why he was delayed. Then one day, he simply quit returning my calls! But hed been paid in full!
BEWARE! The guys not trust-worthy. Choose some other company to create a website or do programming for you.
Read the entire review to see and decide for yourself. If there is ANY question in your mind.then go with someone else. Its not worth it to hire him.
Youll be sorry if you do.
And THATS my opinion based on experience with Decide for yourself.