Helicopter means the thing which rotates on top of your head. Eela Rayturkar ( Kajol) is the helicopter mom, who keeps on wandering around her growing son Vivan( Riddhi Sen) . Tiffin, studies friends and to whom he talking , everything is known to her. Vivan doesn' t have " Private Time" for himself. Tragedy is that during a fight with Vivan, she decides that she shall complete her studies which she earlier left and takes admission in the same college in which Vivan was studying. Director Pradeep Sarkar has brought a movie after 4 years in which women character has the lead role. " Mardani" (2014) in the terms of content and treatment was very much close to the things in the real world. Helicopter Eela is imaginary. Even though it is based on the Gujrati act " Beta Kaagdo" by Anand Gandhi but while watching this movie it makes you remember about " Nil Batee Sanata" , where a beautiful story is shown on a poor single lady and her daughter' s struggle , dreams and life is shown. And that film revinds in your mind even after watching it. Whereas Eela is a movie which is meant to be left in the movie hall like the containers of drinks and popcorns. Writer/Director has separated Eela' s character into two parts one as of a woman who wants to do modelling and the other who does singing. In her youth she aims for getting fame, name and success in her singing career. The incidents that happened in her second life make her more insecure with her child. There are too many repetition of flashbacks between the past and present. This thing makes the film boring. In the second part of the movie the drama is more than necessary. Eela then resumes her singing in the college. Here the drama teacher Neha Dhupia make a turn in the story. The disputes between the son and mom are resolved and Eela does a concert. It' s a happy ending movie where in the end everything gets settle down.