Starting with the Bang Bang(Song), this movie hasnt striked much protons(masses-human beings), typical Salmaan khan style.I really didnt like the movie much from the text except the ending where I got principle, one choice can strikes anybody..I recommend whoever be in any hues, if listen to the conversation towards the ending of the movie solves so much queries, brings answers to the questions.
I didnt like the acting much, cant even remember the names of the actors played in except the Prime Stars.Sohail Khan as you know always brings smiles on the face, however I missed his essence in the movie.You cant really comment a particular actor did an outstanding acting.Characters really didnt appealed to me much.The scenario of a BPO industry has well potrayed.I would advice if you have already read the novel, no fun spending your money, reach home take a cold beer and sleep.
It moralised a connect which is to be developed with our inner strifes, if one succeed in affirming a bond with the Inner Voice, and can gave a call to the Almighty!!
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