Here is my first review at which is about my new cycle Hercules Ryders ACT 104. Purchased it just 15 days ago!! This is the first time I have purchased a geared cycle and I do not have any prior experience of riding a geared cycle. So I was little afraid before purchasing the cycle.
Coming to the cycling experience..... This cycle is probably the best for a beginner in riding geared cycles just like me and for those who have a budget constraint of Rs 6, 000/- to Rs 7, 000/-. After a detailed survey I had purchased this cycle at the BSA Go showroom for Rs 6, 500/- along with a free bell and a lock worth Rs 200/-.
Riding the Cycle:Initially I had a few problems riding the cycle mainly on account of my inexperience in riding a geared cycle. Was facing lot of difficulties on Day 1 to bring the Cycle from showroom to home like wrong gear shifts, Incorrect usage of gears etc... But after a day or two after purchase I have become very much comfortable with the gears system.
Initially felt that the gear shifting was not smooth. But as time progressed I got the technique of shifting the gears and began to shift the gears with ease and smoothness. Overall a good cycling experience and very much worth the cost. Anyone who is interested in purchasing the cycle can contact me to take a detailed feedback.