Now I m penning my views on my first bicycle....First things are a life long treasure 2 remember...myself too z not an exception 2 this cosmopolitan my first bicycle tooo z a great thing for me to remember..
I remember my schooldays wen I used 2 go 2 my college wid this excellent machine...The joy, the comfort, the friends inclination for my bicycle. Well after such routine explanation sum technical details...
1.One of the first lot of bicycle wid gears
2.Fitted wid world famous simano gears
3.Available in 2 varriants of 6gears n 18 gears options
4.Qud heavy gripper tyres for better grip on roads
5.Excellent suspensions for smooth rides
6.Multi colour varriants
7.Accelerators type gearing system in both left n right side of handlebars
8.High grade seat to fascillate superb riding comfort
9.Superb brakes wid imported mechanisms(way back in 2000, now I dd not know whether they r still imported)
10.Gud n candid appeal
Now again coming 2 my experience....It was the first bike probably 2 cum wid user mannual. I was impressed by this bike since my first gaze to this bike in I had gone 2 purchase hercules mtb wid my father...but I got swayed by its appeal....In city like gorakhpur where I had spent my schooldays we dd not find gr8 nombers of topgear...may be coz of poor roads or its high costs...
So I was the only person till one n half year in school 2 cum wid this bike...latter 2 otherr school mates had got this bike... Wat a bike...Once u start peddling u ll soon realize its xtremely gliding experience..also changing gears z so smooth that u kan just twist ur hands n gear z changed rather than conventional gear system with lever mechanism like of ultra...
Simano gears r really a treasure to this bike...mmaintenance free performance...only cost I had incurred was gear cables which too broke after 2 years.. n seat ...otherwise no major cost apart from tyres.. Reallly I miss my school days n this bike so much....Welll before end I will add sum facts about ti cycles
1.hercules ie ti cycles mark bicycles initially was an england bicycle company which was greatly popular in pre as well as post independencce era z manufactured in south I think in tamil nadu
3.its othr brand z bsa
4.gud pan india pressence