I Sriaditya Kasula, bought a Hero Octane Recra cycle from Prakash Cycles Stores ( TIN: 28830218837, CST No: ABS/08/01/1123/94-95), at Bank Street, Hyderabad - 500001, on 09-05-2011, paying a sum of Rs 8850.00. Bill no 5447
Since the day I bought the cycle, I found the front shocks were not functioning the way it is suppose to and even the front gears were having problems. When I took the cycle to the stores, the technicians misguided saying they didnt fit the cycle properly and that is why the problem persisted.
After driving the cycle for few days as advised by them, I found the problem continuing. I took the cycle again and this time they tried to evade the issue and the shop owner Mr.Shah instead of addressing my problem did not pay ears to me and asked me to leave his store as he said it was business hours for him and I was obstructing him and asked me to leave his store without considering that I have traveled all the way from Erragadda to his store which is almost 15 Kms by road.
He after inspecting the cycle by his technicians he said he would resolve the problem, and replace the shocks and send the defective one by sending it to Ludhiana and get me my cycle by 10 days, but now it has been more than 3 weeks my cycle is still with him and when I enquired about it, his personnel at his stores informs me that the official from Hero has not visited the store and so he is unable to get the shocks replaced.
This is a classic case where customtakeouters like me are taken for ride and only given importance untill we pay the bill while we purchase, and post that are treated like unwanted.
I request the concerned authority to help me out and take strict action against Prakash Cycle Store.
Hoping for a favorable reply.
Best Regards
Sriaditya Kasula
Email: adi2in@gmail.com