This was good bike but is not that much good as the price of this bike is.I have this scooty in Red and another in White colour.
As we come on its average the fuel effeciance was not that much good as Maestro has.And this was the latest from maestro so the milage shoulb be good but the milage was not too good.
According to Comfort this scooter was not that much good in the case of comfort the rider was comfortable but the pillon has to face many problem as the pillon legs didnt attached to the scooter and by this in Close areas the legs are in dangered.
Reliablity is good as it was made up of metal.but if you have an accident then you have to pay a higher Money to recover it.because this kind of metal and its part was too expensive.
Road grip was too good on cemented road and In rough areas.and on CoalTar road it was very good but as this scooter has small tires which was it bad thing.
now when we come to appeal this scooter has to cone with another Blue colour also.and it has to inprove the milage of this scooter this is giving me a very descent milage of it has to improve.and the apperance of the scooter was also too it have it fuel tank system from outside.and from one place only it many things can control.