Hi another Breakthrough to face the competition in the market…. HH has come out with achiever now. They are planning to drain CBZ’s stock now... they are doing that in a phased manner. The place I am currently located, the showroom has enough stock till next February. If you are a Hard core CBZ fan, then this is the time to go and get one... you can also give a try for some discount in cities where CBZ does not have good sales record. They sell at a discount when it comes to clearance (I bought a Palio for 30% Discount when the new Palio NV was launched). Rest, the achiever has an awesome service backup… It has a 3 years/40000Kms Warranty with 6 free services (I know thatz something).
(CBZ CONFIRMED ITZ 180CC Launch). So guyz if u are one of those guyz who jus cant get over CBZ, then wait for sometime cuz I have 100% confirmed news that CBZ is now to be launched with a 180cc engine.. Not sure about the price and other details cuz they are still in the stage of finalising and tuning the bike for indian conditions... THe main challenges that HH is gonna face is the Price of their bike and the mileage... cuz we all know CBZ was expensive when compared to the competition and also gave less mileage... let jus keep our fingers crossed and see some miracles in CBZ :)
Another New Genuine Oil 10W30 with enhanced drain in period up to 6000 kms (Top-up required every 2000 kms or when the oil level reaches lower level mark, whichever is earlier). Also another change from the industry is the SAE 10W/30 specification that is thicker oil. I don’t understand why HH is going with the thicker oil. It may not lubricate well, because it wont flow as quickly into key nooks and crevices.
Thicker than required oil will also reduce your gas mileage, because it takes more energy to push through thick oil than it does through thinner oil. Check your owners manual for the recommended viscosity, and ask for it specifically when you get your oil changed. What else can I say… I did not manage to go there in the showroom for a test ride.. will try to go and try one of these this weekend. Given below are the specs for the Achiever…
Engine 4 Strok Air Cooled
Displacement :149.1cc
Maximum Power 10 kw (13.4bhp)
Gears 5 gears
Frame Diamond Cradle
Tyre Size (Front) 2.75 X 18 - 42 P / 4 PR
Tyre Size (Rear) 3.00 X 18 - 52 P / 6 PR
Headlight 35W / 35 W Halogen Bulb
Top Speed 110 kmph
Acceleration 0-60 in (5 seconds)
Kerb Weight 134 kg
PS: Also read my previous review on achiever which talks about its pre-launch status....
HERO Hondas new offering in the 150-cc segment, Achiever, looks similar to Ambition, one of its other models. Achiever is being rolled out following poor response to the Ambition. The Achiever generates a maximum 13.4 bhp compared to the 11.2 bhp that the 133-cc Ambition delivers. In terms of speed, the Achiever is faster, touching 60 kmph in just five seconds and a top speed of 101 kmph. With four-stroke technology, combined with greater power, the Achiever would be a performance-oriented efficiency bike. `Tuff-up tube technology is a standard feature, while disc brakes and self-start are optional. As part of the introductory offer, the Achiever is priced at Rs 47, 900. (ex-showroom Delhi). This is all information that I could get about this new bike. Will update you guys with information soon. So all you guys planning to buy Pulsar, Unicorn, can wait for a little while to check this updated ambition from the rulers (Hero Honda). I personally think that the bike would be efficient, and good for people who are not interested in speed and other show off from the bikes but still require a good engine which is powerful. I’d wanna tell you guys about one of the review I read not long back. This guy had a caliber 115 and wanted to change so he went to check if pulsar/unicorn will suit him. I donno why but he did not like unicorn which most of the reviews has rated TOP CLASS in that segment and about pulsar he was not comfortable about the rear seat because he felt it suits young guys and gals but not married ladies and kids(I donno why he felt that??) In my opinion bike like Achiever should be a good option for people like this…This is all information that I could get about this new bike. Will update you guys with information soon.