As all the Hero Honda users know whats the relationship between their honda bike and them? Well...its the amount on money they put in in its maintenance of the bike. I have a friend who claims to be a proud owner of a newly bought Ambition, he claims that the spares are indeed costly. He had met with an accident with a cycle! and the bike broke its front mud-guard and the handle was claimed to be out by the mechanics. Talking about genuine spares, Hero Honda has a high cost of operation as compared to Bajaj.
Even Yamaha has a high rate of operation in terms of spares but rarely do you need to attend to a Yamaha bike. (Many will agree to this).
But speaking about its handling and power delivery, I think Ambition is a good bike who shows promise and can deliver, though nowadays the fad is about mileage and Rocket-boost all combined in one bike, Ambition looks to be able to do at least somewhat above said.
Still I feel a Ambition is a ok bike, 50/50!