Hi guys it bikin time agin. let me explain how ambition works in life. If you have read all the reviews about cbz. and still thinking of ambiton. I have submitted my self to help you out
the day I bought ambtion was a very happy and a nice day. the day I saw ambtion first was the day I fell in love with it. you might think its a product of HH relased in desperateley. bcos of market pressure well of course it is a quality product from HH.
think guys think .you might hear guys recommending you to buy pulsar. which is an 18 litre oil tank bike. and has the power of 12 bhp. belive me guys . the horses form HH are always better than the ones form bajaj. cos bajaj is a market oriented company relaseing new models every day.
hero honda has always done its engineering pakka. ambition is no wonder one of the pakka products from HH. Ok lets get to the point here,
how is ambition?
i will say it is the best jolly + muscular bike around here. If you are a bit easy on the throttle it gives upto 69 for me.
i have driven 500 kMs till now. I never exceded (when I was testing) 40/45 an was always cool on the throttle.
let the fuel tank you might think looks ugly. but once you put your thighs on it you can never be more comfortable even on your couch. I know right now you might think what about the pick up cos thats important
here is list
1 suzuki fiero(some times)
splendor all hhs exept cbz
kinetic honda
all stupid TVS bikes
all bajajs exept pulsar
yamaha enticer.ybx
the above mentioned bikes could not catch me in chennai trafic. this is mainly because the machine is so easy to handle. you can make a superb sprint upto 85 from 40 under 6 seconds
on the correct gear offcourse an even in 70 knmph you can do sharp braking and sudden twist with no difficulties. if you think and calculate the right entry points and give the correct gear.the edge you get is awsome. I dont know what the reviwews say but my baby touches 105 in the km dial. and thats all it can, I tired and still nothing happened.
the greatest advantage is that you have a 5th gear. any speed any gear step one gear down and you overtake like a mad horse. at 80. If you hit the rear brake ayou will move nearly 25-30 feet toi a complete stop. while you stop. the bike does not even swivel or swindle in other words try to spin around on a dry tar road. this shows the accuracy of the suspensions.
dont even think of this with a pulsar, it wobles like a busted tyre. and makes you shiver after you bring it to a stop. I have a drum brake version. I dont know about the disk brakes and the ES kit. but one thing iknow. early in the morning 5 clock 1 kick with no throttle can start the bike and its really amazing for such a new bike to start like that.
the engine is just as in CBZ but the bore size is a bit different its 133 cc .
the sound ohhhhhhhh I forgot to tell you., ,
when you are doing 40 -45 you have to be sure that you are throttling correctly. or else you will not know whether you are in 50 or 40 only by the spedoo. its just amazing that such a powerful machine has no sound or very less sound. If you are wearing a helmet and driving you have to make sure that you set the idling high or else you wont know is your machine is running or not. even vibrations are less.
when you are at 60 wearing a helmet, you will feel like you being pulled by some thing and not ruinnung with your engines. as the wind and ambience will completeley shut of any sound from the machine. but it has got the generic HH beat.