I had a choice between pulsar dtsi (150cc), ambition 135 and passion plus... I have ridden all three and made a choice after a lot of considerations. I left out passion plus cuz it uses a technically outdated engine of cd100ss
Now, between pulsar and ambition I chose the later considering the facts that
a) Theres hardly a difference of 0.8 bhp in terms of power output (pulsar having the higher @ 11.8)
b) I found out ambition delivers about 5to10 ks more to the ltr
c) Also, the bikes handling is much better than pulsar which really counts in places with congested traffic
d) If your thinking of taking your mom for a ride GO FOR AMBITION
d) Its cheaper and carries the benchmark of quality - HERO HONDA
the company name says it all!!!
The ride is very comfortable for me as well as pillion rider although the pickup is a bit dissappointing. otherwise ride is great!!!
Performance after 1400km...
Im getting about 57-59ks to the ltr
@ avg. driving speed of 50-60kph
And girls just luv the look with cbz faring ;-)
So, for a 135cc bike, id say ambition is good buy
Something more to add to the above...
Pulsar dtsi delivers optimum power output @ 8500 rpm whereas ambitions rated @ 8000 rpm... from what I hear from my mech engg. friends this is the reason for ambis sluggish pickup... though once off the block, its accl. increases (at 30+) the imp. Point is it helps in the long run to have a lower rpm thats because it makes the engine more efficient and ensures lesser wearing
Well guys... something about the avg. im getting ... most of the time im plying on the highway which means lesser gear change and better efficiency...
And maybe avoid unecessary reving up of engine(read above) though, frankly, I was surprised to learn you guys are getting avg. below 50