Hi guys,
I like CBZ star bike very much I had 2005 model CBZ star and it is giving a mileage of 64km per liter on highway and 45 - 47 in city. it is having small problem even mechanics are not able to find the solution for it if any one found the solution for this problem plz tell me.
problem: it is generating overheat when I ride more than 5km continuously, I cant place my foot on foot rest that much heat is generating from that bike. engine oil and other things are ok. while generating heat also it is going continuoulsy. any one tell me solution for this problem. except heat all are ok mileage, pickup at that heat also it is giving mile of 64kmpl whe I ride at 60km speed. at that heat also it is going continuously with out stopping. some one is telling heat is comon to this type of heay bikes plz tell me the suggestions if anyone knows