Hi guys,
Yamaha had launched the 125 cc Fazer which has a long stroke gear box and manages 104 kmph and it is not Libero. So, U C a 125cc-four geared bike clocks 104 kmph and a 156.6cc-five geared bike clocks 110 --- Then what is the use of giving five gears. So what do U say? But one thing I would say is this is a reliable bike. (But I dont think the Pulsar would be becoz the quality of Bajaj products is not good. Most of U might have seen in the olden times (just ten to fifteen years back), there were Yamaha Rx-100, KB-100, Suzuki Shogun.
Many people did not buy Shogun becoz it consumed a lot of fuel. So, there was the legendary Rx-100 and the bike left is KB-100. U might see many Rx-100s on the road even now becoz its engine is of good quality or in other words its is good and even now any body buys an Rx 100 without a second thought. But when U compare a Rx (the bike, no matter how old feels young) with a KB of the same model, Ull C that the KB feels sick and old and it is not much reliable. And the bike feels very old when compared to a Yamaha of the same model, becoz Bajaj products are not of good quality.
So, I wanna say that after some years, it will be the same scene for the CBZ and the Pulsar. I believe that Pulsar might not have a good engine life but U can say that for the CBZ, becoz after all it is a HONDA. And guys, my CBZ use to sprint almost equally (with original jet and TPFC) with a shogun. But the shogun would take a lead (and drinks more than a CBZ, so anyone would expect it to be more faster and it being 14bhp and the CBZ being 12.6bhp). Shogun takes a good start than the CBZ upto 30Kmph but after that they both were going equal (becoz the pace between them was constant upto 70kmph).
After that speed I could not check because there was good traffic. The CBZ is a very heavy bike, If it would have been lighter, then it would have a better mileage and good pickup. Then, no Shogun would beat it. Any way, it is good that no Rx-100 and Rx-135 can beat it any way (except for top speed - Maybe I am wrong becouse I am not a good rider and wasnt able to control the bike at higher speeds, other wise I think my CBZ would have beaten Rx-100 in top).
Any way, the RX-100 feels cheap in front of CBZ. People say that Rx-100 has more pickup than the Rx-135 and CBZ, but it is wrong. It might feel that way becouse of itd sound. (My cousin had changed the mufler (it was a cut mufler with high sound usually found on Yamaha bikes) of his Rx-100, and put the Rx-135s mufler, the sound had dropped and it was feeling as if the bike was not running although the pickup was same, and the mileage improved considerably and he was getting 5 to 6 kmpl more !!!.
So becoz of its sound it seems to be running too fast). Some guy in his review had written that his Rx-100 can beat the Rx-135 which is not true. But, Yes it can be true if he had done some changes to his bike. Other wise, if everything is original (Company settings), the Rx-100 is no where in front of the CBZ. And guys, I told U all in my previous review on how to get mileage, one more point is try to get a sixth gear installed on Ur bike but the ratio of the gear should not be too short but appropriate and the Ull C Ull get better mileage and better top speed. And also try to change the rear sprocket of 46 teeth to a lesser value, Ull get more pick up and mileage but the pulling power or U can say power will drop. But any way what is Power with out speed.
I heard things from my cousin who lives in Pune said that he was going to make changes to his CBZ, but he sold his bike due to some financial problems, other wise it would have given U guys a nice detail about it. Easy way of increasing the pick up and top speed of Ur CBZ is U can replace the original 102 numbered jet with 104, 106, 108, 110. I have seen all these jets and the cost 10 rupees only (or maybe Ull have to bargain). I took the jet numbered 98 becoz I wanted mileage. Dont take 95 becouse Ur bike wont work properly.
I would suggest U guys to disconnect the wire of the accelarator pump (TPFC), it is very simple and U Ur self can do it and believe me, I am giving my word for that, Ull get the almost the same pickup and 5kmpl better mileage, and the same topspeed. U dont need to go to a mechanic to remove it, just open the black cover over the carburattor and U can C a plunger, that is the TPFC just remove the wire from it and U can connect it any time U want. Dont worry about the mechanics when they say it will damage the bike or it would not be good.
I have driven 5000 kms approx. after disconnecting the TPFC, and nothing happened and it working lovely as before. And finally Ull C that the accelarator grip will become very smooth and soft. And guys change the oil regularly and check the oil level of Ur bike other wise it will severely damage the engine parts.
Anyway, I suggest some one buying a CBZ should not buy it and instead buy an Ambition 135 because mileage is very necessary or go for th HONDA Unicorn 150.
Any way, no Pulsar 150/dtsi (which is 13.1 bhp), and Fiero/F2 (12 bhp) cannot beat the CBZ (12.62 bhp). I read the review of Honda unicorn and it was compared to Pulsar 150 dtsi, fiero F2 and LmL Graptor, and all their pick up is specified as 0 - 60 kmph in 5.x seconds, where as these bikes take 6 seconds. ( When I went to TVS showroom, on the advertisement paper, it was written 0 - 60 in 6secs, and in the magazine it is given as 5.2 secs. How come???
And CBZ clocks 0 - 60 in 5.2 secs, and for Pulsar 150 dtsi it is specified as 0 - 60 in 5.0 secs, which cannot be true becouse it cannot out perform the CBZ. Any way nothing can be done about it.
Thank You.