Hi everyone,
CBZ Xtreme ATFT is simply super model bike.
Its Performance, mileage(45-50kmpl), handling is really worth.
Also having very good suspension. Very smooth.
If You are in confusion in buying a bike, and if this machine is in ur choice u can choose it without compromising anything in it.
it can be compared with other bikes in the following manner:-
Smoothness= Honda Unicorn.(Almost)
After 1st servicing its smoothness increases.I mean it will be better.(seen in my friends bike ie. CBZ xtreme ATFT)
Performance <= Pulsar 180cc, FZ16
Obviously it increases after 1st service. But its having great pickup as compared in 150CC bikes. I fill like driving 180cc engine. Also in low gear load can easily pulled, since having high horse power.
mileage( ATFT engine so guaranteed 45-55kmpl):- before 1st service itself my bike is giving me mileage of 50+. Exactly I can say 52kmpl with a pillion. You can expect 55+ after 1st servicing.
So easily suziki GS150R and Honda Unicorn are beaten.
looks= depends on eyes but really very cool. Looks like Sports bike. Mainly, It doesnt have indicaters with stretched. So that if u fell down they wont be broken, which is very commano for most of the bikes. Its clearly shown in the photo.
comfort= It seems like riding on horse which is having wheels instead of legs. It is not having a bump tank like in pulsars, which it proved to be dangerous.(BUT not recommended for short people having height less than 5 feets.) Also its very long. Also It is not having digital console. Even though it can be managed. For me analog is best, because if we are going at 50kmph and if the digital console gives a info speed of 50 it wont understandable, if a round speedometer is present we come to know by comparing its angle.
handling= Really very appreciable. Just test drive.
Suspension= Spring bed. Before this bike I was driving splender. compare to splender it is awesome. But it is not mono suspension, due to which it cant be leaned while turning. Even though it is more than enough.
Finally I can say that it is xtreme horse with eating less grass compared to 150 cc engine(giving very good mileage). almost like GS150R, honda. But they(GS, honda) lack higher performence
Also comparing FZ, karizma, etc.they are very power full bikes. Only if u r racing atleast once in a week.
Otherwise they are of no use on indian roads, except for styling.
Also I forgot to tell U one thing, Hero Honda is having very good and many service centers, which beats Honda and Suziki. Also they are give u 6 free services.
And One More thing, No matter what bike U buy of brand companies like HERO HONDA, HONDA, SUZIKI. You can rely on their specifications, What I mean is they give very absolute specifications. While buying any bike just check its official website.
Mainly the Performance, Mileage of the bike depends on the service mechanics. No matter whichever is the bike. I have seen many reviews of Honda unicorn. In most of them a serious issue is switching of the engine in rain. Its mainly due to idle rpm level. This idle rpm changes with change in temp. so keeping the idle rpm low in cold condition causes this issue. But finally I prefer CBZ xtreme ATFT as having same engine as of the unicorn, also of good performance and good looking. Likely I can say that it is a 3rd gear motor vehicle out of 5. that is having good performance and Eco friendly
Also a small doubt to all the riders.
I drove this bike about 250kms in 10 days from the date of purchase. It gave me a mileage of exactly 51+kmpl.
After that I came to know that the bike must be properly used for the 1st 500kms(ie. rpm limit of 5000rpm, speed limit of 50kmph, sudden accelerations). So it must be taken care as if it is a baby for the first 500kms. Is it true? Why? But unknowingly I drove it crossing the above limits for 2-3 times. Engine rpm reached up to 7k. Also had sudden acceleration for one time, But all these for a fraction of seconds .Does it affect my bike? If Yes, how can I neutralize this effect?
Please comment on the doubt as its a brand new bike.