Hi biker boyzzz I am owner of cbz 2002 june model it is really owsome bike compared to that class and more over it has a great PUNCHING power even in second gear it beats pulsar which is in 1st gear .cbz is really a great PUNCHING machine even it beats pulsar 180 in races as I go racing I neclace roads I have beaten pulsar 180 many tims .the main reason 4 punching is TPFC this is usually used in ferari cars 4 instant pickup as it is 12.5 bhp it gets instant punch which is not seen in any indian bike except karizma even karizma doesnt have that punch but it beats badly cbz in long ranges
hey even my cbz is split rear gryp and blach swift gold combination ie air spoilers and split rear grips are of swift gold colour .i promice that pulsar doesnt come to cbz or cbzxs foot .till yesterday I thought like every body that cbz x is not good but yesterday I have done a test drive inn phoenix motors the bike was really awsome its too big I felt I am driving karizma it is soo long and soo height more than cbz these google pics are fault pics .trust me if u go and see the bike u really dont 4 get that bike it is really owsome and more over red colour is realiy great I liked that bike more than my bike
I promise u ull enjoy that bike old cbz contains some, some vibrations but this machine was running without any vibrations or sound
hey dude ill tell u another thing if u test drive this bike ull write scraps like me in the next day.but one thing is fault in this product ie u have to check the oil level in every month as the oil is like water it is so thin it is 1T OIL(THIS IS ONLY 4 THE PEOPLE WHO GIVE MORE ACCELERATION) This doesnt matter a lot in biking(if u go slow it is not needed to check)
at last I would like to tell u one thing I saw pulsar new on roads with half working led lamp and working switch lamps without the working of meter light and tail led lamps it is really a shittttttttt