Hi!!!this is my first ever review on any site!!!hope u like it!!!to start wth I own a cbz xtreme got it last thursday 23th nov!!!mine is the first bike to hit pune roads, and I must tell u it is the bst bike tht u can ever gt!!trust me thr is no compitition for ths bike frm ny othr bike!!!wrever I go ppl jst keep looking at my bike!!at signals if I stand naer a pulsar;pulsar looks like a small toy bike.it is much taller than pulsar and much longer comfortable and more powerfull.even avg is no problm for ths new bike rt now(i hv compltd 400 kms in 6 days, yt to do my first servicing)it is gvng me exact 45 avg!!so aftr servcng it is bound to gv arnd 50, and tht is more than enough coz its bhp is 14.5!!its closest competator is apachee tht has 13.5 bhp!!no doubt abt the power and performance tht ths bike delivers it pulls u ahed in ny gear even at the speed of 20 it takes pick up in fourth gear tht to wth out ny load on engn(i was riding double seat)and on a uphill!!it didnt do any noise nor did it gv ny trouble even when I picked it up frm frth gear at the speed of 20!!it is jst awsm!!no CONS for ths bike!!!thr r only PROS!!more over all the pulsar ppl look jlsly at me coz thy seem shroter in frnt of me and my bike thy jst keep looking!!!tht is the pride and status tht u gt if u own ths new cbz!!even girls turn their heads to look at this bike!its tail is the most attractive tht I hv evr seen even the idicators and tail lamp all r LEDs also the tyres r tuff up tyres thy nvr gt punctured!!!so no leeting down by ths bike!!its gear r dam smooth and it provides trouble free driving!WORDS R VERY FEW AND TTHE SPACE TOOOO SHORT TO WRITE ABOUT THIS BIKE I JUST LOVE IT it makes me proud!!!to experience the thriller visit ur nearest hero honda shwroom and tk a test ride u will surely fall for this bike!!!ITS AN UNSTOPABLE THRILLER, DONT BLINK U MAY MISSS IT!!!!!!!!!!!hope u all liked my review considrng ths is for the frst time I hv ever posted plz comment on my review good or bad both types r most welcome!!!thank u!!!
niranjan from pune