Hi friends,
I was planning to buy a bike in the 150cc segment and my expectations was sporty look and feel, good milege, smoothness and highly wel balanced bike.
After going through all the bikes available in the 150 cc segment I was a bit confused as to which bike to buy. bcoz . PULSAR is a good bike but there are already so many pulsars in the market and it seems like u r not buying a new bike, also personally I observed that the handle of Pulsor is a bit heavy wen driving at low speeds. then there was UNICORN. butter smooth engine. but failed in the looks deptt. and also spare parts are expensive, no alloys etc. then comes APACHE. its a good bike with nice looks, superb balance, low height but I heard that it is having high vibrations at speed above 50. and wen I test drive one. I found the rumours were true and also the gear shift was hard.
then comes the CBZ with refreshing new and stunning looks and it really impressed me.despite reading comments about its bad looks on the internet.
Finally I decided to owned a CBZ and its with me from the last 3 months. and my finding about the bike is.
Its a good bike. good balance but not a perfect balance like apache. I like its Pikup, sound, style, no starting problems in the morning. I like its sporty look and sporty riding position also.
But from the begining I was facing problems like . difficulty in finding the neutral. not so reliable gear shift. sometimes I have to push hard to shift gears. too much vibrations ike apache aftyer 55-60 . The rear brakes are not good. I have to push the rear brakes very hard( wen not using front brakes ) to stop the bike from 60.Maybe its due to the heavy weight of d bike(140kg).
After the 1st service of d bike the problem that really embarrasing me is that the pikup also goes down( maybe due to poor servicing ). like when after seeing a spedbreaker I goes down fom 60-70 to 20-30 then after crossing the breaker wen I opens the acceelerator to speed up the bike again. the bike catches up speed really slowly. I donno why. any way I m going to remove alll these problems anyhow. as I cannot drive a bike peacefully with these probs.
Over all the bike is good if one can live with these problems as pointed out by me.
Beleive me its not a fake review like certain people did here. If hero honda can rectify the problems as mentioned by me here then it can be a Perfect bike.
Finally I would like to say that ther is no bike( in 150cc) in india that can satisfy my norms as mentioned above. maybe SUZUKIor YAMAHA can launch that kind of bike .
All the best. happy biking.