I own a new cbz extreme which was purchased on 12th march 2010. I have some problems in my bike. Hope I find a solution from youll. I have done my first servicing and now my bike is due for second servicing. I have covered 2400 kms on my bike till date. The problem is that while driving the bike suddenly gets some extra force while driving while the acceleration throttle is kept at ( 50 - 60 kms per hr) speed.
Due to which the bike gets a jerk due to this extra force.first I used to get this jerk once in 200 - 250 kms covered, but now I get it once in every 10 - 15 kms covered. Its very awkward as people who pass by along with me ask me what happened and why was there a sudden jerk ? Its very risky as I cant predict the jerks while I overtake vehicles as I get it often while overtaking. Is there any problem with my fuel filter or air filter ? The bike is also having starting problem as it shuts down again and again during self start.
Also my bike starts vibration after I cross 60 kms per hr. I dont have any other problems with my bike as its quite comfortable , reliable and also handling is superb at top speeds. If anyone can guide me in this matter then I would be grateful to you.
Thanking you for the same.