I own CBZ Xtreme black with black alloy wheel. Im there again to share few experience about the bike. Ive wrote in previous reviews about the overall performance of bike. Again, to be brief, its a good bike, especially for tall people. Im 6 ft 3 in tall (193 cms), but very slim. Hence, weight of the bike is the concern for me. I dont have enough strength to put the bike in its main stand (centre stand). My arm starts paining for a while after I pull the bike to put the stand. The helmet hanger is the most foolish design in this bike. I dont know whether they had a discussion on this design or not. Its a waste hanging your helmet there. Anyone can steal your helmet. The gear lever is single sided, which sometimes is confusing for me. But still, if you concentrate on driving, you can do it easily.
Overall performance of this bike is good.
I had written in my previous review about HH showroom guys & there service. It is one of the worst in its kind. The showroom guys are not at all bothered about customer satisfaction. I again faced a problem with them. Remember this, " While giving for servicing (free or paid), empty you fuel tank, just keep half litre petrol in it. Note down the odometre reading for yourself ." I had filled 3.58 L of petrol two days before giving for servicing. After the servicing, I took me bike, reciept etc & went back home, without noting the fuel level. when I reached home & observed my fuel indicator, I was shocked ! The entire 3 litre petrol disappeared. I thought it is the fault of fuel indicator pointer, but opened my tank & checked. It was indeed empty, only 1/2 L petrol was remaining. I shared this with my roommate & he thrashed me a lot & said that it was my fault that I didnt check this before leaving the showroom. And you know what, when I gave for servicing in morning, odometre reading was 615. When I got it in evening (i.e. when I checked after reaching home), it was 645 ! Now, if I were to go back to showroom & ask him why he stole my petrol, he would never accept his fault! Hence, I remained quiet & thought to be careful next time. This is a lesson. So guys, remember these two things:
Never give your bike for servicing if you have full petrol in it. Either empty it or give it after it hits reserve.
Take away all your important belongings from the bike.
note down the odometre reading before giving for servicing and once you get it back, check odometre reading again. If any descripency, go back to the showroom & ask them.
Ill raise an issue to Hero honda about this. Please be warned, as the showrrom guys will cheat the innocent people.
Happy biking...!!!