I have purchassed cd deluxe cast self on 15 sep 2009 at 43500 on road price in jaipur I have
Reason for seleting this bike
We have 2 cd deluxe vehicle in our famly first one in being used by my uncle since 1990 and it closed 99999 more than 4 time till now and is till going strong the other one in cd 100 Ss which we used for more than 10 years and sold out for passion during 2002 already covered 90000 kms.
I have clocked 15000 kmtill now my daily commute used to be 20 km day in the city plus other utility travel I get 60 kmpl in city at 40-50 kmpls speed and 75-80 kmpl at 50 kmpls constant speed.
I havent incuereed my maintannce coast till now other than oil change which is about ts 190-200 per filing.
The vehicle operation is very smooth under 60 kmpl ONce we cross that speed I find some vibration in the vehicle and so I generally refarian from crossing the 60 limit.
The braking and lighting are really improved on the new CD deluxe I find it better than the previous HH models night driving is really comfortable with even can drivcers to my high beam which was not the case with the earlier HH models.
Overall this bike is a awesome and rought and tough