In this I stress the need to select a proper dealer.I selected my dream bike as HH CD Deluxe 2007 and with all expectations I was heading towards dealer. By mistake I selected Adyar Motors.By appearence the dealer shop looks really good. I entered inside, everybody isbusy I waited for about 10mins and came a guy who doesnt have a basic smiley face which a sales rep should posses. he collected the details and said will come back. then he was back after 15mins with his manager, who by appearance look authoritarian and had no pleasing voice and positive attitude. he talks insuch a way as if they are not interested and as if they have got enough bookings for the season and not interested in these. Some one told that therecent discount price of Rs 2020 on hero honda cd deluxe makes them awry as thedealer has to contribute 60% and 40% BY THE company so they are not basically inclined towards the sale.
He gave the price and I asked for some accessories like helmet, saree guard andcrash guard. He suggested picking up a package where everything will be there. Butto my surprise I didnt find side handle in that. I asked him if he can givethis also I asked him for mud guard. I thought the handle and mud guard can begiven with the vehicle, but he insists that I have to pay for that. Finally heasked me to call by tomorrow as he has to check with his manager regardingthis. The next day I called him.. This is what is happened.....
# he keeps the phone balanced by his neck and tossed a coin and asked hisfellow female colleague to decide head or tail and she told something andfinally he confirmed that he can give it. I was totally disappointed with thisaction. Is this the way a dealer responds to a customer.
Then comes to booking. I called hero Honda call center (1800 1800 0196) andasked for payment modes and they told that I can make a token advance and paythe remaining at the time of remaining. but he said he cant take the orderlike that and I have to make it full at once and he said this is not partial tome and common to everybody, but the customer care insist that the full paymentshould be made only against delivery.
Now it’s about a week and I didnt get my vehicle....I hope the after salesexperience will be pleasant. I request readers to consider the quality of thedealer before going for a purchase, its your hard earned money and dont take achance on it. It took nearly 1.5years for me to save this money and everyday ican drop only 15k from my ATM and hence I give in 4 terms and finally got mybooking confirmed. in this I was totally dissatisfied by the way dealer handledme. There should be proper customer relationship.
If you are in Chennai, I would suggest you to considerSouthern Auto Centre, near venkatnarayana road.
My bike is doing well. The mileage I got is 60 in city and I drive in highway @ 40km/h speed I will get 70+ this I have checked with mechanic.
I more negative thing I noticed. When I drive with a pillion rider I didnt get the instant pickup. This bike is really good for solo driving as you have excellent control and drive pleasure.
Recently when I went to service center for regular maintenance I noticed the new model came with self start.