All the readers who are reading this review will have felt one thing undoubtly if they owned some bike or other vehicle. There is always trad off between price-fuel-peakup-power. An average middle class person of the country have common dialemma in choosing bike like any other thing too. If you incurred one time high cost, ready to spend few extra bucks than will have more powerful exciting bike. But for economy aspect for average Job holding person, perhaps the important factor is economy. I have HeroHondaCD 100 DLX, when I was choosing bike for me I stuy lots of about available bike of all brands, like Hero Honda, TVS, Honda, Yamaha, LML to name a few. All bike have I think some pros and cons, and your dicision will probably rely on your practical necessity, ypur craze for the bike, your hobby etc. One collegeon boy with depending on fathers earning will always try to choose 150-175 CC or more like big bike, one necessity oriented person will think about the average, maintenance issues and try to choose 100 cc bike.
To be frank Herohonda CD delux is note a bad bike, have good milege/ltr. durability which is considered biggest plus point Hero honda, but if I could have bought at that time I would have bought Pulsur or CBZ. But the time was different at hat time, now I am think about seeling this bike and purchase new poerfull one, bcpz petrol is not issue for me, company giving us now. The bike is quite good for perticulary single person, but I have found it weak when riding with two or more person, you can to overtake easily in City traffic. The Joy of riding will be inferior if u have ride some pulsur, CBZ, Unicorn or other 125-150 CC bikes. But it take me to the office econimically, it allow me to travell more and frequently with my family economically.