First time when I see this bike I think what the sh* tis this.
This bike is not good in any way lm not able to find good feature or good thing in this bike. ??
First going on looks of this bike ???? I dont known what the company try to do with looks of this bike I think that company not assemble the parts in right way the just throw and make any thing which look like a bike And speed omg what the speed 85kmph???? this bike is only for rural areas and its roads there is no work of this bike on Highway and the mileage of this bike is too low
This BIKE give problem related to Engine after few time it will put you in trouble if you going to by This BIKE because it is not comfortable to travel long distant by this bike and mileage of this bike is also low therefore you has to make too many stops
In my opinion its not good Bike im not going to buy it any way its on you to buy or not.
Thank you ??