I HAVE USE it have 75kmpl
this bike can make you a hero it have powerfull sunpansion
fuel effecient tank.good milegae good conson .
headlight view like a wonder breaking system are nyc
power sockers more comfortable . more space .
it have powre full engine .goood mileage I have experiansed
everyyone can make a perfect ride .make your ride
superb if you want a new bike ten go and buy this buke
its colour pattern in cool vieeeew b.make your swag instant
super bold look
more feautures many .disbreaks system more sefty
Go buy your bike make a hero by yourself
this bike is amazing .
this bike is amazing and avalible in your nears bikes stroes
more feeature lesss you know this product making always a good bike
and this new bike hve many time to be bike
why are you waiting for go and get the your first rie with it
tis is ot for race but it isvery cool