Another bike from the HH stable, heavy on graphics and styling. For a spledor there is a passion, so certainly for a Super Splendor there has to be a Glamour.
Though I havent seen one on the road yet, (It was launched only a few days ago here in Nagpur) but from the looks I can make it out that the bikes weight is far too heavy compared to the engines power (bhp). More weight less mileage.
The advertisement claims of a flush-type petrol tank lid, which it claims to be first of its kind on indian bikes. What I see in the pictures is no different from Bajaj Pulsars tank lid, another SHAM.
I agree with what others have written, same old bike with new clothes that is what Hero Honda has been doing all these years. So why should we shell out more money, just for the looks and some not so useful add-ons.