Hello all. I bough my first bike in my life is Hero Honda Glamour Sep 2007. I analyse this web site before I bought my bike. I thanks to all of this web site. Its really help me out to take decission. Intially I was confused for Bajaj or Hero Honda. Then from this web site I just take my decission. Any ways, already I drive 2200 km. I found its good bike all through except some problems. Here I want to share with you these and I will expect solution from any one.
When I am going to shifting my gear from 1 to 2 its sounds like hell. In my test drive I also find it and notice them.they told me it will ok after 200/300 km ride. But still its remain.
Design of rear viewer glasses is too much bad.
Mud guard is not properly design.
Pickup is low when ride with another person i.e 2 person cant handle easily in the initial stage of pickup
Besides these problems " Hero Honda Glamour " is the best bike I ever seen. I like it too much and maintain it daily.
Please advice me any one here for my gear shifting sound.
Dhaka, Bangladesh
email: moinur@gmail.com