In continuation to my earlier review. Today I took bike on long route. I discovered a new bad featrure. u get tired very early even after riding for 10-12 kms. LOWER PORTION gets numb.. I have to stop the bike thrice in a distance of 60 kms to relieve myself abt my problem.. I say u must consider sum other bike b4 buying this.... may b my view gets change after 1st service...hope they remove the probs mentioned in my earlier review ( but they cant remove the discomfortable seat & riding posture
EARLIER REVIEW..........................
is just the 4th day of use. Earlier I was having scooter and for change & saving in fuel, I have gone for bike...
Review :
I have taken a chance on the new technology i.e
FI (Fuel Injection). It has cost me more abt 9000/- as compared with other bikes. I spent 25-28 days & sleepless nighs to choose my dream bike. My final selesctions were- Shine, Discover, Unicorn & Achiever(same engine of uni). I was highly impressed with Achiever but I didnt c much owners of it on rd while dealer convinced me to take chance on new tech. so I went for glamour. The riding is absolutely smooth as compared with discover & other bikes. the RTMI is indicating that I will get a decent mileage of 70+ ( I think) but the actual calculation shall b afterwards.. the luks are gud & impressive. The console is all new & fresh. The most imp. thing for which ignored UNICORN & selected FI was the feeling of driving a bike. In unicorn the engine is extra smooth so u dont get a thrill that u r on bike. The crispy noise of HH engine is really fascinating. Moreover while on uni, I used to feel that I m driving a FOUR SEATER on delhi roads bcoz of its extra extra bulkty TANKA ( I mean Tanki ).
In continuation.... today is 27-09-06, I have drove FI abt 150kms in 4 days. Now I m better off to write more....I observed following limitations in the bike..
Gear box is bit stiff & I face problems in changing gears (may b bcoz I was ascooterist earlier)
The gear ratio is bit unsatisfactory especially the 2nd Gear. U cannot pick the things once the
speed is below 10kmph & u try in 2nd gear. u have to change the gear to 1st to get going. ( means LET in 2nd gear is nt gud)
The quality of headlight beam is not that much impressive.
As of this much only but I will certainly update my review from time 2 time for the benefits of others...BYE till then
e )