I bought this bike around 5-6 months back as previously I owned a Pulsar 180 cc and that was a petrol guzzler. I test rode various bikes and finalized HH Glamour .
Let me share pros and cons till date :
Pros :
Good handling
Smooth engine
Good bike for tall ppl like me (I am 6 feet )
Good resale value
Fuel consumption is too high for 125 cc bike. Its giving me only 35 km/l..May be after second service it can improve as workshop guys say
HH dealers are idiots. They dont offer test ride very easily
Bike is underpowerd 9bhp only as compared to other bikes like Shine, Discover 125 cc. May be I am feeling this as I previously owned Pulsar 180
In first month, horn was not working properly. I complained this in first service of bike but dealer never repaired it correctly. I got it corrected from local mechanic
Overall bike is OK but I would recommend that just for avg dont take 125 cc bikes
Take any 150 cc bikes like Discover 150 cc, Pulsar 150 cc or even better Unicorn 150