The bike is good in case of mileage and easy going on roads . The main problem is the damage in the body parts. Within six months itself the back of the bike starts sound while going on road which horrible. The body looks good but once it starts the crackling sound the entire body part should be replaced. This makes its conditioning expensive. A lot. Of noise will be produced by the bike both infront part and back part. In the initial use we cant understand what will be the exact cause for the sound production. After a continuous use the part wholly shakes like anything and it will feel like that we are traveling in goods carriage. Also the paint on the back seat handle also fades fastly and easy for scratch on it. Also the problem with engine starts before the completion of the services provided by the company. When we have to park the bike anywhere this bike takes almost the place of two bikes when put in side stand. This is very difficult that we have to put in double stand. Another case is with the shock absorber, it also need continues service for proper maintaining. Altogether I felt tired of this bike.