The most unforgettable and unforgiveable mistake was buying a Hero Honda Glamour.
A real pain which has fork bearing jamming problem, gear shift noise, tyres that are of very very inferior quality and bike that wobbles at very high speed.
Buy a chinese vehicle but dont buy this SHIT Machine.
There authorised centres are euipped with latest technology machine but fails in service. I had to approach there service center 4 times to get the problem sorted and hat was because I had there service manger(M/S Hero Honda guy ) intervened who fired them to rectify the problem for everytime they just oiled the gear shift and gave the bike with excuses that M/S Hero Honda doesnt acknowledge . I have asked for tyre replacement for the tyres just skid but the company is not responding to any mails. They just dont care for We have paid the cost of the bikeand would like other guys who have this problem to get together to teach hero honda a good leason for charging a high price for shit bike.
I really dont want any of my buddies who are seriously thinking to buy a bike DONT buy anything that is manufactured by them for the quality level is next to ZERO% which was 70% once with herohonda.
I seriously wonder how they get certifications by responsible authorities.The company guys had promised me glamourious ride but its becoming a humourous ride I GUESS