I got my hunk on April 2010, Im really happy with the looks and overall performance but if you dare to ride a unicorn after riding hunk it is certain that you will feel a little regret on your choice. Hunk has got comparatively more vibration and sound than Unicorn also ive noticed that the Hunk even though they say its SRS it still is jerking even in the smallest of gutters.
I knew all these things before but Unicorn takes more than 6 months to deliver so I opted for Hunk. The worst part is that Hero Honda due to the increase in demands of their bikes are producing low quality and less perfected bodies.I even got a piece of broken screwdriver bit from the visor screw that was jammed. the tail of the hunk is also tilted sideways. most of all its hard to believe that the front wheel itself is not in alignment. the service centers at palarivattom (cochin) are a bunch of crooks, they never get ma problems fixed instead they just worsen it every time.
Hero Honda has now turned into a bunch of ...