A little change for benefit of all of us
many are asking for its review (proper)
though I still have not got this bike
but found something intersting review for this bike
credits to original writer.
pl visit
now my old review is here pulsar vs hunk test drive..
I am also in dilemma for buying a good looking bike
prev was driving passion hh
I was considering only 3 bikes
pulsar 180
pulsar 200
cbz x
pullsar 180 was nice experience
pulsar 200(my bro has got it) was even nicer.
then I went to hh showroom and caame to know about hunk has come out even without enough or I should say nil advertisements.
hunk was a very pleasant surprise to see.
such sporty bike
at even lower price than hh cbzx
cbzx looks are nothing compared to hunks
obv p200 is stunner but p180 is not as good looking as hh hunk.
well that was about looks
now fel of bike
I tried both bikes hh hunk and hh cbzx
both have same specs but somehow as hh claims they have introduced something tumble flow induction whatever kind of dtsi only in hh hunk
and it feels too
hunk is smoother to start and take speed than cbzx
mild difference mind it
but experience was better than even p200
p200 is a beast and beautiful beast it is..
it just roars and just getting it to 90 gets a thrill due to roar..
but clutch is so tight that not easy maneuvering in tight traffic.
ask any p200 guy.
dont know this point for 180.
p200 makes a lot of noise
hunk does not make that kind of noise.it is smooth to pick up.and very fast pick up it has got.
p200 gets heated too easily despite oil something filter in it..
my brother explained it to me that it is big bike so they needed to put oil filter in it to cool it off but I could not see why just 30 km make it hot..not even my passion when even run at max speed ~87 get that kind of heat. p200 just radiated a lot of heat to ur legs after riding it for some 35 kms only..m ight be useful in delhi winters :)
hh none bikes get that kind of heat
even my brother has ridden karizma and me too.both of us thinks hh bikes pulls easily than pulsar bikes.they arte smoother produce less noise and better in terms of maintenance due to Japanese company nissen produced spare parts.
for eg I have read somewhere on internet, disc brake life on pulsar is ~5000km but cbzx is ~30, 000km as it is brought from japan by company nissen. Same is true for hh engines
some of you who are observant would have noticed difference in noise of engine in karizma/splendour and any pulsar after2-3 years
i need not expalin who makes more noise
noise is not automatic it comes due to some mechanical parts either due to hard working or friction and smoother operation of engine parts makes less noise which in turn is responsible for longevity of engine.
and it gives average of ~55 on road than pulsar ~40 on road
and it is ~ 12000rs lesser than p200
so that comes to about 1yr of petrol money saved..
well ask me doubts regarding will answer them
one thing all u will ask me why such big range of comparision.
answer is I was looking for smoother power so test driven all p150 p180 p200
p200 gave good powwer but noise too
i like simple smooth powerful stunnign bike so I was going for p200
till I just thought of checking cbzx so I may not get upset later
i just saw hunk and mindblowing model it is
there may be many people like me in dilemma
pl go check out p200 and hunk and please post your reviews which bikes u likd and why..
One Last Request
pl do not use bad words in this thread.
let it be cool and readable thread..
every bike has pros and cons let them come out and not personnel pros and cons.
thanks regards