Hi friends,
I brought my hunk panther black o 24/12/07
I have little bit to share
1) looks - beautiful in all angles it looks better u fill good while driving, fit & finish is perfect.
2) fuel consumption is yet to in pipeline I will convey it afterwords
3)gear shiftinf - slightly painful
4)road grip - is very good
5)braiking - no complaints
6)accleration - is good but I observed one thing when I try to give more throttle bike is shaking from the front this gives bad impression & slightly awakward filling I will convey this to service personnel &will give u out put any one know why this is happening please give a feed back.
7) sitting position - nice
8) indicator & lights - are very good
9)shock absorbers - you fill nothing while driving really very good.
10)clutch lever - is slightly tight troublesome in heavy traffic
11) pick up - I am not a very fast driver but it fills good.
12) speedo & odometer - are well designed & well suited to bike.